Tuesday 11 December 2012

Drivers License Kansas

Drivers License Kansas

Once you submit your documents, a coordinator will check the SAVE system database to 
verify status. Applicants with valid I-94’s should take only a few seconds to be verified. In this 
case, often the same day or always by the second day the coordinator will reply to you by email 
and attach a Word document that tells you your SAVE number and a “status expiration date.”  If 
a second verification step is needed, then expect an additional three to five days.  If a third 
verification is required, the process could take three to five weeks.  If you have a valid I-94, you 
should not need the second or third step.  Note: times for these steps may decrease later as 
KDOR gets access to other enforcement websitesEmail the scanned form and documents to LAWFULPRESENCE@KDOR.STATE.KS.US . You can 

also hand-carry your documents to the local DMV office to be snail-mailed to KDOR for you, or 
you can snail-mail them directly to the Driver’s License Bureau address on the reverse side of 
this form, but emailing them directly is most efficient.  Students with OPT authorization should 
indicate this in the email and ask that the A number on the OPT card (employment authorization 
document) be used as an alternative to the SEVIS number on the I-20 for SAVE verification

Drivers License Kansas

Drivers License Kansas

Drivers License Kansas

Drivers License Kansas

Drivers License Kansas

Drivers License Kansas

Drivers License Kansas

Drivers License Kansas

Drivers License Kansas

Drivers License Kansas

Drivers License Kansas

Drivers License Kansas

Drivers License Kansas

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