Tuesday 11 December 2012

Oregon Building Codes

Oregon Building Codes

The Reach Code is part of SB 79’s overall framework for continually strengthening efficiency 
standards of buildings in Oregon. The bill contained 3 specific mandates for the Building Codes 
Division: 1) Institute an immediate increase in the efficiency of the residential and commercial 
building codes; 2) adopt a Reach Code encompassing construction methods and technology 
designed to increase energy efficiency over the mandatory codes for builders that choose to 
incorporate them; and 3) set a schedule and goals for continually increased energy efficiency. 
The end goal is to achieve buildings that used no more energy than they produced by 2030 – the 
Architecture 2030 goal.SB 79 defines energy efficiency broadly as “use of construction and design standards, 
construction methods, products, equipment and devices to increase efficient use of, and reduce 
consumption of electricity, natural gas and fossil fuels.” That the Reach Code is meant to be 
comprehensive is indicated by the fact that the bill exempts plumbing and electrical products and 
equipment from certification requirements. Likewise, the bill specifically retains the plumbing, 
electrical, and elevator licensing structure

Oregon Building Codes

Oregon Building Codes

Oregon Building Codes

Oregon Building Codes

Oregon Building Codes

Oregon Building Codes

Oregon Building Codes

Oregon Building Codes

Oregon Building Codes

Oregon Building Codes

Oregon Building Codes

Oregon Building 

Oregon Building Codes

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